August Update: Important Milestone for South Australia – Criminalising Coercive Control.

On 29 August, South Australia reached an important milestone with the introduction of a Bill to Parliament to make coercive control a criminal offence. This Bill addresses a critical gap between existing criminal law and what victim-survivors often describe as the most damaging aspect of their abuse. There is still much work to do to ensure that our police, courts and services can respond effectively and Embolden is committed to supporting the implementation of these crucial reforms.

Nationally, August also saw the release of the Senate Inquiry report into Missing and Murdered First Nations Women. The devastating findings should serve as a source of national shame. It is essential that all Australian governments heed the voices of Aboriginal women, who have made it clear that while the Senate inquiry was a vital first step, both the inquiry and its recommendations fall short. You can read the full report here.

SA’s Royal Commission into domestic, family and sexual violence has called for final submissions by Friday, 27 September 2024. Embolden currently is working with members and partners across the community to develop our second submission to the Royal Commission.