Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies – manual and guideline

CARE have released a manual and guideline addressing gender-based violence in emergencies, or humanitarian settings where structures, systems and all support for women and girls are interrupted or have broken down.

Crises often lead to increased levels of intimate partner violence; sexual violence as a tactic of war; sexual assault or exploitation during displacement; child, early and forced marriages; denial of resources; increase in harmful traditional practices; and sexual exploitation and abuse by humanitarian aid workers, peace-keepers and security forces.

During an emergency and its aftermath, access to lifesaving care and support is unpredictable, vulnerability to violence is higher, and systems that protect women and girls, including family, community and state structures, may weaken or break down.

CARE’s manual outlines how programs that include risk mitigation (interventions to reduce the risk of GBV exposure), response ( interventions to address the consequences of GBV after is has occurred, and prevention (interventions to stop GBV from occurring in the first place).