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Webinar: Men and masculinities in preventing violence against women

8 June 2021

Our Watch Webinar
Our Watch, Webinar

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A webinar to explore emerging work to address masculinities and engage men as part of a national approach to prevent violence against women

International and Australian research shows there are clear links between dominant forms and patterns of masculinity and violence against women, and that addressing masculinities and effectively engaging men in prevention efforts is essential to reducing and preventing this violence.

This webinar will explore:

  • why addressing masculinities and effectively working with men is an important aspect of our national approach to primary prevention
  • the evidence-based principles that can guide how we do this work
  • examples of promising practice, including work that centres an intersectional approach.

Speakers include:

  • Dr Shane Tas (Our Watch)
  • Shirleen Campbell (Tangentyere Council)
  • Maree Corbo (Tangentyere Council)
  • Jackson Fairchild (Rainbow Health)
  • Sarah Drury (Men and Family)

The event is part of the National Primary Prevention Hub, which is led by Our Watch and funded by the Department of Social Services under the Fourth Action Plan of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children.

The Hub supports information-sharing, enables connection and collaboration, and facilitates coordination among organisations designing and delivering primary prevention policies, programs and campaigns.

If you have any questions or require further information on the National Primary Prevention Hub please email: [email protected]
