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SA Domestic & Aboriginal Family Violence Virtual Vigil 2020

6 May 2020

Virtual event
South Australia, SA

For over 10 years, the first Wednesday in May has been an occasion for Australians around the nation to commemorate those lost to domestic and family violence.

On this day, we stand in solidarity alongside those impacted by violence and abuse, and their families and loved ones. In this spirit of solidarity, we call for a shared future without violence, which we all have a hand in shaping — individuals, families, communities and governments alike.

This year, in South Australia, we especially honour the memories of our First Nations sisters and their children whose lives have been lost due to domestic and Aboriginal family violence. We also look to Elders past, present and emerging for their wisdom and guidance in healing our collective communities, and recognise that family violence has no place in First Nations cultures.

The recent death of Kim Murphy also weighs heavy on our hearts and we hold her memory in our thoughts and reflections on this day.

As we physically distance ourselves due to COVID-19 during this time, we invite the South Australian community to connect socially and responsibly in a virtual action on Wed 6 May, with a physical gathering planned for a safer date later in the year.

Join our Facebook Livestream from 5:30pm, Wed 6 May to light a candle and hold a moment of silence. We invite you to share photos of your candles with the hashtags #VigilSA and #StandByUs to connect with others during the event.

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