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SACOSS Conference Alternative Futures: Ending Poverty

18 November 2022

Adelaide Convention Centre
North Terrace
Adelaide, South Australia

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SACOSS is holding their conference Alternative Futures: Ending Poverty on 18 November at the Adelaide Convention Centre. The conference will bring together leaders and frontline workers from the social services sector, government and beyond to imagine and plan for an alternative future – a future without poverty.

A range of informative sessions will provide delegates with the opportunity to reflect and explore ideas and suggestions to eliminate poverty across a wide range of structural systems. You can view a program synopsis here.

Session themes include:

  • Ending poverty is possible
  • Housing affordability: moving beyond wicked problems to implementing solutions
  • ‘Private is good; Public is bad’ – Privatisation, outsourcing and its consequences
  • Public attitudes about poverty
  • What is this thing called welfare dependence? Busting the myths about government support
  • The future is digital. You have to be in it to win it.
  • The Uluru Statement – A path out of poverty

COVID-19 exposed vulnerabilities in our systems and society that have yet to be addressed – but we do not have to accept the status quo.

This Conference will provide an important opportunity for the sector to hear and share insights into the issues, and ideas for change. The day will also include opportunities to mingle, chat and share information with other conference attendees.

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