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Zahra Foundation Pathways to Empowerment, Term 1 Central Adelaide, begins 4 February 2020

Pathways to Empowerment (Southern Adelaide)

5 Feb1 Apr 2020

Southern suburbs location
to be advised on registration
Adelaide, SA

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Term 1, 2020

Reclaim your Path.

Pathways to Empowerment is a 9 week course for women who have experienced domestic violence.

The group is about reconnecting with yourself, working out what sort of life you want, and the practical steps you can take to achieve this.

It will include creative activities to help you think about your hopes, values and skills, and lots of information and support if you would like to study or get a job.

To register and for further information please email [email protected] or call the Zahra Office on 08 8352 1889

Presented by Zahra Foundation
