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National Reconciliation Week

27 May3 Jun 2020


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This week is National Reconciliation Week, with Tuesday 26 May marking National Sorry Day, and the 23rd anniversary of the Bringing Them Home report being tabled in Parliament.

The Bringing Them Home report is a result of a Government Inquiry into the past policies which caused children to be removed from their families and communities in the 20th century.

On this day, throughout this week, and on all days, we stand with all members of the Stolen Generation and our First Nations peoples. We acknowledge the grief, injustice and suffering that has been caused and commit to the work there is to do towards reconciliation and reparation.

We acknowledge that we work and live on the traditional lands of the Kaurna people. This website was created on their lands. We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, spiritual beliefs and relationship with their land and waters and acknowledge that this is of continuing importance to the Kaurna people today. We pay our respects to their ancestoers, Elders past, present, and to emerging leaders from the Kaurna nation.

As a peak body, we also acknowledge all other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who are represented through our services and our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander colleagues who give guidance to us.

We acknowledge the continued impact of colonisation and intergenerational trauma on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and are committed to actively redressing this in our work and in actioning the principles of Reconciliation.

More about National Sorry Day here:

You can find social media and other resources for National Reconciliation Week here: